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erythema multiforme rashes roseola rubeola scabies May 29, 2024

Welcome to the wonderful world of rashes. This is part one of two parts.

This EM Mastery is actually a quiz on rashes. Try it. Members login to watch the video answers.

Below you will find a series of images of rashes. Diagnose them and them view the video, which will give you the answers.

RASH 1: What are the rashes in the next 2 images?

Now what about this?

RASH 2: What is this rash?


What is this rash and what causes it?


What about this rash in a well child?

An elderly patient presents with an itchy rash. What is it?


What is this rash, that has been there for a week?

What is this rash, which is mostly seen in children?

Watch the video above and tune in next week for part II.

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