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Early vs Late Airway Management for OHCA Jul 23, 2024


Advanced airway is seen as a definitive and reliable means of establishing protected ventilation and oxygenation. It has been shown to improve ROSC and neurological outcomes. The main...

Bronchiolitis, Steroids and Adrenaline, and Thermometers Mar 27, 2024

 A literature review of the latest in Bronchiolitis management. Also a review of thermometers (or as we like to call them random number generators)

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Capnography to guide ventilation in cardiac arrest Mar 27, 2024

The End tidal CO2 (ETCO2), is measured at the end of expiration and used to confirm that the patient is being ventilated and during cardiac arrest. It is also used as a surrogate marker for cardiac...

Do Smaller BVM's Increase ROSC? Mar 27, 2024

The best way to manage the airway during cardiac arrest, has remained somewhat of a mystery. We don’t know how much tidal volume to give, were not sure of what percentage FiO2 to deliver and...

Do Steroids Decrease Mortality in Severe CAP? Mar 27, 2024

Do steroids decrease mortality in patients with severe community acquired pneumonia?

Community acquired pneumonia is the leading cause of death from infection, approaching 10% mortality. In those...

The Ominous Spiked Helmet Sign on ECG Mar 25, 2024

 The Case

A 35 year old woman, who is a known intravenous drug user, is admitted with septic shock secondary to bacterial endocarditis. She is acidotic and hypotensive. Her ECG is shown. Here...

Adrenaline: What's the best dose? Mar 23, 2024

In this Papercut review we look at some major studies and what they tell us about the use of Adrenaline in cardiac arrest. Adrenaline is the most used drug in cardiac arrest. However we...